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Kaveri Singh

Los Angeles, CA

"Artist & Visualizer without limits. Working across mediums and lost arts"
I am a artist working out of Los Angeles . My unique capacity is to bridge and blend worlds. A Maker of beautiful things, fluent in: Chinoiserie – hand applied gold leaf and bas relief, raised gesso; Verre Eglomise – water gilded and hand etched precious metals with Japan pigments; Wood Panel-egg tempera and oil glazes; Faux Bois – traditional wood grain; Marbelizing – fantasy marbles and other precious stones; Trompe L’ Oeil – to fool the eye; Egg Tempera – you get the real deal with mineral pigment and egg yolks; Sumi Ink – I hand grind the ink and illustrate on traditional Washi papers.

I work with leading Interior Designers doing murals and decorative art for interior and public spaces. I've worked on historic estates like the Greer Mansion, the Paul Williams estate in Pasadena as seen in the PBS documentary: Hollywood's Architect - the Paul R. Williams Story, the Brody House, and restoration projects identified and applauded by the LA Conservancy.
This investigation of different artistic disciplines, both modern and historical, led me to work in the heart of the Azulejo traditions of Spain in Manises, Valencia.
An autodidact, self-taught and influenced both by the west and east, I'm a synthesis of various traditions. The sense of hybridity, the possibilities of merging both eastern and western traditions that exists in my work, led to one of my most significant projects in Sarnath, India, a Sacred Murals project depicting the life of the Buddha.
Wescover creator since 2018
Projects Portfolio
Residential Project
Fisher Island, FL
San Francisco, CA
Residential Project
Los Angeles, CA

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