Created and Sold by Wonder Crush

Shiva - Paintings
Featured In Art Share-LA, Los Angeles, CA
$ On Inquiry
Here is a complete image of “Shiva” 48x48 oil on wood panel. This seriously took me so long to finish. I barely had room to do this in my apartment
Shiva was created during a time when I was still figuring out what I was doing with myself, before I even decided that I was going to go “ full ass” with my art and create a business with it.
In Hinduism, Shivas role is to destroy things and recreate it. To me this piece shows a woman almost ready to come out of hiding. Still creating herself for the final reveal.
Shiva was created during a time when I was still figuring out what I was doing with myself, before I even decided that I was going to go “ full ass” with my art and create a business with it.
In Hinduism, Shivas role is to destroy things and recreate it. To me this piece shows a woman almost ready to come out of hiding. Still creating herself for the final reveal.
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