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Created and Sold by Enda Bardell

RUPT - Paintings
Price $1,186
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RUPT ‐ Acrylic ‐ 24" x 24"
Enda Bardell, Non-Objective Work
This work is purely conceptual, emerging by visualizing images in a Zen moment of shifting patterns in various formations and colours from the banks of my mind, including abstract titles, which have no meaning at all.
In planning the work, I look for a challenge, which requires a solution, by recreating and reconstructing, and testing the boundaries of the composition to see how far a form, color combination, or pattern can be extended before it collapses.
What I deeply enjoy is the total open-endedness of the exploration, where there are no constraints other than those I impose on myself.
My aim is to invite the viewer to make discoveries on his or her own; how one form interacts with another by closely observing the work and spending time with it, arriving at his or her own conclusion.
Enda Bardell, Non-Objective Work
This work is purely conceptual, emerging by visualizing images in a Zen moment of shifting patterns in various formations and colours from the banks of my mind, including abstract titles, which have no meaning at all.
In planning the work, I look for a challenge, which requires a solution, by recreating and reconstructing, and testing the boundaries of the composition to see how far a form, color combination, or pattern can be extended before it collapses.
What I deeply enjoy is the total open-endedness of the exploration, where there are no constraints other than those I impose on myself.
My aim is to invite the viewer to make discoveries on his or her own; how one form interacts with another by closely observing the work and spending time with it, arriving at his or her own conclusion.
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