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Nostalgic Nuance | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Stephen Andrew Art. Item composed of canvas compatible with minimalism and mid century modern style
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Nostalgic Nuance | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Stephen Andrew Art. Item composed of canvas compatible with minimalism and mid century modern style
Nostalgic Nuance | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Stephen Andrew Art. Item composed of canvas compatible with minimalism and mid century modern style
Nostalgic Nuance | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Stephen Andrew Art. Item composed of canvas compatible with minimalism and mid century modern style
Nostalgic Nuance | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Stephen Andrew Art. Item composed of canvas compatible with minimalism and mid century modern style

Created and Sold by Stephen Andrew Art

Stephen Andrew Art

Nostalgic Nuance - Paintings

Price $350

In Stock Now

Shipping: UPS 7-10 days
Estimated Arrival: June 21, 2024


Made In USA

Natural Materials

20H x 16W x 1D in
50.8H x 40.64W x 2.54D cm
0.45 kg
1 lb

16”x20” Hard Canvas
Mixed medium, Oil, Spray paint, Chalk, Acrylic
Original by Stephen Stocklin

In the realm of contemporary art, the theme of nostalgia has taken center stage in 2023. "Nostalgic Nuance" delves into this sentiment, portraying the bridge between deep sleep and wakefulness. Deep blue circles on a white canvas evoke dream-filled memories, while contrasting shades of orange and yellow illuminate recollections of the past. This piece isn't just art; it's an ode to moments that linger, celebrating emotions they evoke.

Item Nostalgic Nuance
As seen in Creator's Studio, Sea Ranch, CA
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Stephen Andrew Art
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2023
The world needs your art.

Just a NorCal custom home builder who secretly loves to express the beauty of the world through art.