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Garden Light, oil on canvas, 48" x 48" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Victoria Veedell | Union Bank in San Francisco. Item made of canvas & synthetic
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Garden Light, oil on canvas, 48" x 48" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Victoria Veedell | Union Bank in San Francisco. Item made of canvas & synthetic
Garden Light, oil on canvas, 48" x 48" | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Victoria Veedell | Union Bank in San Francisco. Item made of canvas & synthetic

Created and Sold by Victoria Veedell

Victoria Veedell

Garden Light, oil on canvas, 48" x 48" - Paintings

Featured In Union Bank, San Francisco, CA

$ On Inquiry

Woman Owned

Made In USA

Garden Light, oil on canvas, 36" x 36" installed in the entrance to the elevators

Item Garden Light, oil on canvas, 48" x 48"
Created by Victoria Veedell
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Victoria Veedell
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2019
I create atmospheric landscape paintings that are like memories of places not necessarily seen but felt.

I've been painting the landscape in one form or another for over 20 years. Originally from Houston, TX I earned a BFA in painting from Texas A & M Corpus Christi. The university years opened my eyes to the world of art. After graduation I worked as a studio assistant for two prominent artists in Houston, TX. In 1995 I moved to New York for graduate school at NYU. After studying painting for a year, I decided to take a leave of absence and work in a contemporary art gallery to learn the business side of art. In 2001, after 7 years in New York, it was time to make a change. This time I moved with my boyfriend to Tokyo and spent 2 years exploring Japan and other parts of Asia. Finally settling in San Francisco in 2003. All the while no matter where I was Icontinued to paint and exhibit my work. Travel is an important component in my work as it allows her to observe and compare gradients of color, light and atmosphere in different geographic locations. I frequently attend artist residency programs around the world. Attending these programs is an integral part of my art practice. My first residency was at the Vermont Studio Center in 2001. Followed by Chitraniketen Artist Residency in India, Kamiyama Artist Residency in Japan, Chalk Hill Artist Residency in Healdsburg, CA. and most recently Gullkistan Center for Creativity in Iceland. The residencies provide an opportunity for extended travel and focused time to paint.
My work is exhibited nationally and internationally in galleries and art centers and is included in many private and corporate collections. I'm represented by Aerena Galleries, Healdsburg and St. Helena, CA, Carré d’artistes, Sedona, AZ, and Ugallery.