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Electromagnetism - custom painting commission | Paintings by Kristen Pobatschnig
Electromagnetism - custom painting commission | Paintings by Kristen Pobatschnig
Electromagnetism - custom painting commission | Paintings by Kristen Pobatschnig
Electromagnetism - custom painting commission | Paintings by Kristen Pobatschnig

Created and Sold by Kristen Pobatschnig

Kristen Pobatschnig

Electromagnetism - custom painting commission


Woman Owned

Made In USA

Electromagnetism is a 6'x13' custom painting commission for a private residence in the Catskills, NY. This painting was inspired by an older piece titled Static Electricity.

Item Electromagnetism - custom painting commission
As seen in Private Residence, Hunter, NY
Kristen Pobatschnig
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
Kristen Pobatschnig creates one of a kind and reproductions of her paintings

Kristen Pobatschnig is an artist who emphasizes light and movement in a whirlwind of fleeting dots and forms. As indicated in her paintings, she is fascinated by movement. She paints primarily in acrylic, in what she considers an abstract-impressionist style. In addition to painting, she also creates kinetic sculptures and wall sculptures. A lifelong student of dance, she has been known to reproduce her paintings on clothing and costumes, to bring further movement to her artwork.

Kristen has a growing number public art installations throughout the US. She has collaborated with numerous organizations including hospitals, public schools, interior designers, and individuals throughout her creative journey, and is inspired by many. In her free time, she enjoys being with animals and in nature.