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Cave In The Mountains | Prints by Kim Knoll. Item made of paper
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Cave In The Mountains | Prints by Kim Knoll. Item made of paper
Cave In The Mountains | Prints by Kim Knoll. Item made of paper
Cave In The Mountains | Prints by Kim Knoll. Item made of paper

Created and Sold by Kim Knoll

Kim Knoll

Cave In The Mountains - Prints

Price from $40 to $250


Woman Owned

Made To Order

Natural Materials

This is a reproduction fine art print of an original watercolor painting on paper by Kim Knoll. Printed on a natural white, slightly textured paper with a matte finish. This archival, museum-quality print is guaranteed to not yellow or fade for at least 100 years.

Get this as a framed print or canvas print.

Art prints are shipped worldwide, rolled in a tube and are not signed. If you’d like my signature added, please contact me to set up a custom order. Shipping is free in the USA. Each art print is made to order, so please allow 2-4 business days to make your print plus shipping. Estimated shipping times and costs for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout. For shipments outside the US and Europe, duties and taxes may apply and are the responsibility of the customer. Delays in manufacturing or shipping can happen due to Covid, holidays or weather.

Promo codes may not be applicable on this item.

Item Cave In The Mountains
Created by Kim Knoll
As seen in Private Residence, Chicago, IL
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Kim Knoll
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2023
Inspired by nature. Influenced by minimalism.

Kim Knoll is an abstract artist located in Chicago whose work has quickly gained recognition since releasing her first paintings in 2016. With collectors, interior designers, art consultants and corporations, including CB2, Four Seasons Hotels, The Ritz-Carlton Hotels & Yacht Collection and Waldorf Astoria Hotels, seeking licensing and commissions, Kim sells her original paintings and giclée prints worldwide.

Kim’s style was born out of her professional experience as a graphic designer. Inspired by landscapes and influenced by minimalism, she brings the outdoors in through painting in a simple, unexpected way. Her works on paper are an abstract interpretation of moments and sights from her time spent in nature exploring lakes, mountains, forests and coastlines through hiking and camping. Using watercolors, ink, acrylic, and graphite, she uses the shapes, colors, and perspectives that she recalls or imagines to inform and guide each painting.

“My paintings are derived from the concepts of space, tranquility, and escapism. With each work, I aspire to achieve a sense of peace, harmony, joy, wonder or stillness, and give others a momentary escape from their every day.”