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On the Mountain, Early Fall | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Sharon Paster. Item composed of synthetic
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On the Mountain, Early Fall | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Sharon Paster. Item composed of synthetic
On the Mountain, Early Fall | Oil And Acrylic Painting in Paintings by Sharon Paster. Item composed of synthetic

Created and Sold by Sharon Paster

Sharon Paster

On the Mountain, Early Fall - Paintings

$ On Inquiry

Happy to see such a cool setting for my painting “On the Mountain, Early Fall.

Item On the Mountain, Early Fall
Created by Sharon Paster
As seen in Private Residence, San Francisco, CA
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Sharon Paster
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2018
Sharon Paster is a San Francisco Bay Area artist based in Sausalito, CA. She uses oil pigment sticks to create abstract landscapes that explore the potential for movement and change. She is drawn to the energy around her—the force of a pounding surf, the motion of cars, the way objects in space talk to one another. She layers oil colors, plays with space, and contrasts the solid with the ephemeral—the fixed with the fluid—to explore the transitions about to take place. The surface is often calm, but the tension is ever-present. Everything pulsates with life.

Sharon is influenced by her surroundings in Northern California, but also makes frequent trips to Baja, Mexico. She was born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, but moved around quite a bit growing up from Connecticut to Southern California, and then New England, where she put down roots as a teenager. She graduated as a painter from Brandeis University, in Massachusetts, Phi Beta Kappa within 3 years, and promptly stopped painting. She began again years later in Northern California and has been exhibiting her work since 2002.

Sharon has participated in numerous group and solo shows including the Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art and the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, along with San Francisco Art Market. Her work has been seen in Art of Northern California, the Serena & Lily Catalog, Luxe Magazine, Houzz, San Francisco Magazine and Marin Magazine. She sits on the Board of Directors of the ICB Sausalito Art Center and is represented by a number of galleries in the San Francisco Bay Area and Boston, MA: Simon Breitbard Fine Arts, Studio Shop Gallery and Jules Place.