Created and Sold by Ethan Newman
Mixed Media Abstract Oil Painting
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Estimated Arrival: February 4, 2025
Made In USA
Dimensions | Weight |
48H x 48W x 3D in 121.92H x 121.92W x 7.62D cm | 4.54 kg 10 lb |
This painting's bold application of paint grabs the viewer's attention immediately upon entering the room, and is a true spectacle. Dense impasto paint layers give way to frenzied washes of oil pigment, which the artist slashed across the surface in a passionate fury. The edges of the canvas peer out of the chaos and are the only evidence left behind of the works' earlier stages, inviting onlookers to contemplate what lies beneath. Yet despite its immediacy and commanding nature, Circus Noise is a work which continually reveals its mysteries to those who choose to meditate on it.
Item Mixed Media Abstract Oil Painting
Created by Ethan Newman
As seen in Creator's Studio, Hartford, CT
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