Created and Sold by Taylor White

Laocoön and the Algorithm - Murals
Featured In CAM Raleigh, Raleigh, NC
Starts at $5,000
Creation: minimum 1 week
A commissioned mural on an interior wall at CAM Raleigh reinterprets the famous Greek statue of Laocoön and his Sons. In Virgil’s Aeneid, Laocoön was a priest of Poseidon who attempted to expose the ruse of the Trojan horse by striking it with a spear. Metaphorically, of course, the phrase “Trojan horse” has come to mean any trick or stratagem that causes a target to willingly and unknowingly invite a foe into a protected place. Today, we live in the midst of a major ethical conundrum with regard to Big Tech's ever-intrusive role in our everyday lives. Using a barrage of loud and audacious images disguised as entertainment, we cavalierly accept the terms and conditions of our devices as they command more and more of our psychological and emotional freedom in exchange for the illusion of safety and purpose.
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