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House On The bay - acrylic ink painting | Drawing in Paintings by Melissa Patel. Item made of paper
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House On The bay - acrylic ink painting | Drawing in Paintings by Melissa Patel. Item made of paper
House On The bay - acrylic ink painting | Drawing in Paintings by Melissa Patel. Item made of paper
House On The bay - acrylic ink painting | Drawing in Paintings by Melissa Patel. Item made of paper

Created and Sold by Melissa Patel

Melissa Patel

House On The bay - acrylic ink painting

$ On Inquiry

Estimated Arrival: TBD

House On The Bay, acrylic ink on paper, 11 x 14 in., 2023.
Commissioned piece.

Item House On The bay - acrylic ink painting
Created by Melissa Patel
As seen in Private Residence, United States
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Melissa Patel
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2020
Melissa Patel is a Toronto based artist who works primarily in drawing, painting, and photography. She was born and raised in Canada, and is of Portuguese and Indian descent. Her multicultural background has been a key influence in her work, which she uses to explore themes of family, identity, memory, heritage, and her relationship to nature and the environment. She sees her work as a way to interpret and understand the world around her by breaking down real world elements and recapturing them through artistic media. She studied at OCAD University and has a BFA in Drawing and Painting. She currently exhibits her work in galleries across Toronto and in 2019 was one of six notable Canadian emerging artists to exhibit in the Daegu Art Fair in South Korea with Partial Gallery.