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Barbershop | Watercolor Painting in Paintings by Karen Frey | Castro Valley Library in Castro Valley. Item composed of paper
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Created and Sold by Karen Frey

Karen Frey

Barbershop - Paintings

Featured In Castro Valley Library, Castro Valley, CA

$ On Inquiry

There is a 21”x 29” watercolor painting by Karen Frey that embellishes a wall at Castro Valley Library. The theme of this painting was “everyday people doing everyday things”

Item Barbershop
Created by Karen Frey
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Karen Frey
Meet the Creator
Wescover creator since 2017
My work is a window to my life. I paint what I see, know, love and find entertaining. While my work is representational, my challenge is to question what I am actually seeing. I must interpret reality into an organized array of shapes, colors, and marks.

I paint in both watercolor and encaustic. While these two mediums may seem as opposing as water and wax, they oddly share common characteristics. Most notabl, they both encompass fluidity and transparency. While watercolor is a taxing medium, encaustic becomes a formidable adversary with the incorporation of fire.

The content of my work suggest a narrative. I prefer a vague tale, allowing my viewer to engage in a personal interpretation. I utilize this same approach when painting. Audience participation is a requisite to translating my colors, shapes and curious edges into something tangible.”