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Tony Natsoulas

Sacramento, CA

“Tony Natsoulas (born 1959), like his art, is funny, offbeat and awkwardly charming. "I just do what the little voices tell me to," reads the bumper sticker on his pick-up, a statement that seems not far from the truth. A bard, a sonneteer, and a prankster in clay, Natsoulas wants us to appreciate the humor in the banal, and to look nostalgically at some of history's self-indulgent pleasures.

Tony Natsoulas has been working as a professional artist specializing in ceramic sculpture since receiving his Masters of Fine Art in 1985 at the University of California, Davis. His main interest has been large scale figurative ceramic sculpture with a flair for camp. In undergraduate and graduate school, Natsoulas was fortunate to have studied with world-renowned UC-Davis funk art professor Robert Arneson. Natsoulas’ pieces are in galleries and museums around the world. His commissioned work includes several public and private sculptures in bronze, fiberglass and ceramic.”
Wescover creator since 2018
Projects Portfolio
Tahoe Tallac Little League
Sacramento, CA

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