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Phil Woodward Art

Woodbury, TN

"Illuminated Sculpure and Sculptural Illumination"
When freelancing as a graphic designer, a gallerist client said, “You’re more interested in your creativity than my business needs. You should be an artist."
It was like a bolt of lightning! Everything changed.

A meditation practice also helped shape my new direction. I knew I needed to be making art and that immersion in nature aided my inner peace. I also wanted to share my life more closely with a group of people, so I decided to move to a rural arts community. Based in rural Tennessee, surrounded by trees, creeks and a diverse community, I blend modernist form, abstraction and light, taking materials that reflect my love for natural beauty and transforming them into enthralling, glimmering, luminous sculptures. All of my works have personality. I want them to come alive; to animate the space around them, and I imagine people becoming enchanted.




Reclaimed Materials

Made In USA

Natural Materials

Locally Sourced

Wescover creator since 2023
Projects Portfolio
Residential Project
Nashville, TN
Residential Project
Atlanta, GA
Residential Project
Columbus, OH
Residential Project
Miami, FL

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