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Lauren Purves

Topanga, CA

"teaching you to look at small moments of beauty"
Lauren Purves is a candid portrait and landscape photographer originally from Toronto, Canada, who currently resides in Los Angeles, California. As a graduate of the Claude Watson School for the Arts and Concordia University/Studio Arts (BFA), and with a degree in Art History from the University of Toronto, Purves brings a deep understanding of artistic principles and a unique perspective to her work.

After gaining experience in brand growth, partnerships, and marketing, Purves pursued her passion for urban exploration and journalism through photography, working for leading Canadian urban design magazines. Her camera has served as a third eye for as long as she can remember, capturing the little beauties in the everyday.

Her latest show, “Is it wasting time, or is it living?” is a reflection of her travels and her experience exploring the greater LA area. It’s about the tethered sense of knowing how to feel free and finding beauty in the in-between, in your own backyard. Through her candid portraits and stunning landscapes, Purves explores the disappearing present and what it means to experience long-term freedom. Her work asks the viewer to consider how they spend their free life and what beauty can be found in the simple moments of everyday life.

Purves’ work captures the essence of the human experience and encourages viewers to see the world around them with fresh eyes. Through her lens, there are no rules at the beach, and she invites the viewer to join her in the joy of finding beauty in unexpected places.


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Wescover creator since 2023

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