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Julie A Bell

Windsor, Canada

"Flirting with chaos"
Julie is a native of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She received her BFA in printmaking – intaglio at the University of Windsor and her MFA in printmaking and drawing at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
She has worked as an illustrator, graphic designer and instructor both in the U.S. and Canada. Her work is in private collections across the world including the United States, Germany, England, Hungary, Japan, Africa and India.
"I am attracted both to order descending into chaos and the “new” rising from it. Urban and industrial landscapes in decay and the “unweeded garden” are inspirations. Choice of collage materials reflect this interest. Things that have been left behind (old magazines, encyclopedias, user manuals, maps and blue prints) are repurposed thereby restoring and reinventing their relevance."
Wescover creator since 2022

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