What do you want people to do or feel when they encounter your creations?
"Recently with an invitation to design 2 artworks for Pasadena Showcase House, April 26, 2020, I devised a new company, The Digs Collection. Digs is short for diggings, both words slang for home. However, it's not your typical homeware company.
It will be my first range commercially available to the public, with mural-size wall art with matching kimono’s. Bizarre combination right?
The company has appropriated the original motto and uses ‘home is where your toothbrush is’ which brings to mind ‘home’ is ever-changing. A bit like the quest to understanding who we are and our purpose on the planet. We’re curious energy that shifts and changes. The digs collection, therefore, reflects this metamorphic concept as a tangible artwork in your home, in your personal sanctuary, for you to wake each day a new butterfly and to begin another day of transformation. The philosophy is to evoke the home with aspiration, either of who you are or who you want to become."

Welcome to the Brightside | The Digs Collection